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Thomas Gray Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children and requires all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment. We have a team of trained safeguarding professionals as named below:

Thomas Gray’s Safeguarding team:

Mrs R Rimmer (Headteacher) – Safeguarding Lead Officer

Contact: or 0151 288 6530

Mrs M Williams (Deputy Headteacher) – Deputy Safeguarding Officer

Contact: or 0151 288 6530

Mrs Helen Melia –  Deputy Safeguarding Officer

Contact: or 0151 288 6530

Miss Lauren Maskell –  Designated Teacher

Contact: or 0151 288 6530

Mrs Pam Taylor – Governor Safeguarding Officer

Contact: or 0151 288 6530




Early Help

Early Help is support offered to a family at a time of need identified by them or by professionals (school, health, social care etc.).  It is voluntary and involves a team of professionals coming together on a regular basis to consider or review the needs identified and offer/provide support. Parents take the lead and the aims are to improve the life chances and experiences for the children (and in turn the family).

Should you feel like you require any support at any time regarding any issues: money management, housing, managing child behaviour, coping with loss or bereavement, substance misuse, domestic abuse etc. please speak to a member of the DSL team and we will do whatever we can to help.

Your main point of contact would be Mrs H Melia.  We are always on the gate at the beginning and the end of the school day.  We operate an Open-Door policy and you can call in and see us in school, phone or contact Mrs Melia or Mrs Rimmer for any support.

Social Care Intervention and Support

The Local Authority has a helpful webpage called ‘Sefton Local Safeguarding Children Partnership’ where you can find advice or support should you be worried about a child. Please click on the link below to access SLSCP.

What Happens If My Family Is Referred to Social Care?

A referral is only made when a professional believes that support is necessary in order for a child to have their basic needs and entitlements met. Professionals will treat your case confidentially and are trying to help improve life for the children in your care.

Team around the School

Thomas Gray is taking part in a new pilot ‘Team Around the School’. This is a new initiative from Sefton to offer families extra support when needed.
Team Around the School Poster

Sefton Safeguarding links:

Sefon LSCB Homepage

All about Sefton LSCB

Parents and Carers Advice

Levels of Need Guidance

Operation Encompass

Sefton Safe Parenting Booklet

Useful Links:


Keeping Children Safe in Education

Child Accident Prevention Trust