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Year 5

Hummingbird Class

Year 5 Staff:-

  • Mr Sutton (Class Teacher)
  • Miss Stapleton (Teaching Assistant)
  • Mrs Piortrak (Teaching Assistant)


Children are expected to read at home every night. Books are to come into school every day for children to read in class. During this time, a teacher will check your child’s home reading record and hand out raffle tickets to those that have read at home. The reading raffle will be drawn every half term and there are lots of prizes to be won! Remember, the more you read at home the more raffle tickets you get!

Children will be expected to go on TT Rockstars at home to become fluent at their times tables. All the way up to 12×12! Prizes and certificates will be given as they improve their Rockstar status!

Children will be given a spelling list to learn on Monday and will have a test on the Thursday. Children can also access their spellings on Spelling Shed.

One of the main themes this term is Ancient Greece (as well as it being the Olympics this summer). Therefore, the homework for this half term is to research an Olympic sport.

All children who bring something in will receive 25 dojos.

Every Tuesday is PE. Please come to school in PE kit.

Our Term
There are lots of exciting things to look forward to in Year 5 this half term. Please click below to see our Summer Term Overview. Please click here to see our Summer Term 2 Overview.

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