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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

Penguin Class!

Year 1 Staff

Teachers: Miss K Gilbertson and Mrs O Ball
Teaching Assistants: Miss J McGowan, Miss A Robinson, Mrs N Ameen and Mrs E Prentu

Class Times

8.30am-3.15pm Children must arrive by 8.45am. Lunch 12 pm – 1pm


Our PE lessons will be on a Tuesday afternoon. Your child is to come into school wearing their PE kit on this day.

Curriculum Overview

There are lots of exciting things to look forward to this half term. Please click below to see our Autumn first half term overview.
Please click here to see our Curriculum Overview.

Chrome Books

The children in Year 1 will be using individual chrome books this term and they will have the option to take them home to practice their reading (see below) and any other aspects of their learning such as practicing their typing. We expect the children to look after the chrome books and return them to school daily fully charged.



Children are expected to read at home as much as possible. This is essential to help develop their love of reading. Each week your child will be sent an ebook or reading book that they can read independently. They will also bring home a ‘sharing book’ that they can listen to, talk about and enjoy with an adult. Children who read at home will receive 5 dojos which they can spend at the end of each term. Every week your child reads their reading book they will move up our reading ladder class display. When they reach the top of the reading ladder they will be awarded with a prize.


The children will receive phonics homework each week linked to what they have been doing in school. Children who complete their homework will receive 5 dojos.


By the end of Year 1 Children are expected to be able to count forwards and backwards to 100 from any number and be able to say one more or less than a number. Please practise this at home using the 100 square provided.

Useful Online Links

Little Wandle Letters and Sounds

Phonics Play Log in here

Click on our logo to log in to Purple Mash




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