Miss Goulbourn - Class Teacher
Miss Hilton - Teaching Assistant
Miss Ridout - Teaching Assistant
Mrs Davison - Teaching Assistant
We LOVE Forest Nursery!
It’s good to be in Nursery because we have lots of fun…………..
“Playing in the water”
“Doing drawing and writing”
“Playing with our friends”
“Listening and sharing stories”
“Making mud pies in the mud kitchen”
“Using sticks as magic wands and horses”
Forest Nursery Staff
Miss Goulbourn – Class Teacher
Mrs Davison – Nursery Nurse
Miss Ridout – Nursery Nurse
Miss Hilton – Nursery Nurse
Senior Leaders
Mrs Williams – Head of Early Years
Mrs Rimmer – Headteacher
Our School Day
Forest Nursery – Group A
Monday – 8:30am – 11:30am
Tuesday – 8:30am- 11:30am
Wednesday – 8:30am-11:30am
Thursday – 8:30am -11:30am
Friday – 8:30am – 11:30am
Forest Nursery – Group B
Monday – 12:15pm – 3:30pm
Tuesday – 12:15pm – 3:30pm
Wednesday – 12:15pm – 2:15pm
Thursday – 12:15pm-3:30pm
Friday – 12:15pm -3:30pm
Forest Nursery 30 Hour children
Monday – 8:30am – 3:15pm
Tuesday – 8:30am – 3:15pm
Wednesday – 8:30am – 2:15pm
Thursday – 8:30am – 3:15pm
Friday – 8:30am – 12:30pm
If you’re eligible for free 30 hours education and you require childcare on Friday afternoon you can book your child in for Friday afternoon session at our school office. The cost will be £10 and you must secure your place the week before as there will be limited spaces available.
School Uniform
Whilst school uniform is not compulsory for Nursery lots of children choose to wear it. As your child will spend most/all of their day outside they MUST be dressed appropriately for all weathers. Uniform includes:
- Sun hat
- Red polo shirt
- Navy sweatshirt
- Jumper or cardigan
- Navy Joggers
- Dark sensible shoes – Velcro only (no laces)
- Wellington boots (to leave at school)
- Water bottle (to leave at school)
School will provide your child with a set of waterproofs including trousers and jacket and a body warmer for the colder months.
Your child must have a spare bag to leave at school including two full changes of clothes, we will send the bag home to refill if we need to use any items throughout the school day.
*Please ensure your child’s belongings are labelled clearly!
All About Money!
Snack Time!
Throughout the week children will enjoy a range of healthy snacks including, brioche, crumpets, toast, yoghurt, biscuits, cereal, milk and a piece of fruit. The charge for this is £1 per week. We request the total amount of snack money at the start of each half term.
*Please note if your child attends full time the charge will be £1.50 per week.
Lunch Time!
Part-time nursery children will not have their lunch at school; however, morning children will be sent home with their packed lunch, afternoon children will have their packed lunch at school along with late afternoon snack.
*30 hour children will have their lunch funded and provided every day.
*Please ensure all staff are aware of any allergies or intolerances your child may have.
School Trips
During the school year class outings are organised in connection with our ‘Topics’. You may then be asked to make ‘voluntary’ contributions towards their cost.
Charity Donations
Throughout the year children are also encouraged to think of others and help by sometimes money for worthy causes such as Sports Relief, Red Nose Day and other worthwhile local charities.
How we learn!
Throughout Nursery your child will learn through play. This will be through a mixture of free choice play activities and adult led activities. Most activities will link to a half-termly theme. Our Nursery Routine is carefully planned to suit the needs of all children. Each day there will be a mixture of whole-class, small group and individual activities as well as opportunities for the children to engage in child-initiated play.
Messy Play
Children will engage in lots of messy play activities, this is all part of their learning journey and they will go home very messy. Messy play helps children develop curiosity, imagination and exploration. The sensory experience also helps children to understand their senses. By exploring how things feel, smell and taste, this type of play nurtures an awareness and understanding of the world that surrounds them.
Fine Motor
Each morning we will set our classroom up ready for your child to engage in a range of fine motor activities, this helps develop children’s writing skills and gets them ready to hold a pencil correctly.
Physical development will be incorporated into our daily activities and children will access outdoor areas during continuous provision to develop their gross motor skills.
If your child is fully toilet trained, don’t worry if they have an odd accident from time to time. Sometimes they are engrossed in their play and leave it too late! Please provide your children with a full change of clothing so we can ensure they are clean and dry throughout the day.
If you are currently toilet training your child, we can work closely with you and encourage them to use the big toilet at school.
We encourage all children to read at home with their families. Each week we will provide children with the opportunity to borrow a book of their choice. Children must return their previous book in order to exchange it. Your child will be provided with their own school book bag.
*Return books Thursday and take new book home Friday.
All nursery children now have access to online learning via our Class Seesaw App. Whilst Seesaw was initially set up for online learning, it is also good to communicate with class teachers and take a closer look at what your child has been up to in nursery each week.
Teachers will upload:
- home learning tasks
- important information
- key reminders
- photos of children playing and learning
- Autumn One Topic Web – Stanley’s Stick
- Autumn Two Topic Web – The Nativity
- Spring One Topic Web – We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
- Summer One Topic Web – Jasper’s Beanstalk
- Summer Two Topic Web -The Hungry Caterpillar
Other Information
- EYFS – Parents Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage
- Forest School Information 22-23
- Nursery-30 hours information
For computing activities please click below for your children to visit ‘Mini Mash’