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At Thomas Gray Primary, we are making sure that the Computing curriculum links are being taught through Junior Jam (see progression map and knowledge organisers below). In addition to this, we use Purple Mash and National Online Safety to enhance learning.

Computing is an extremely important part of our curriculum. We believe that competence in computing is vital for our pupil’s future lives.

Computing has a great deal to offer the pupils, both in helping the children to enter into and enjoy the curriculum, but also in allowing them to have a feeling of real achievement in mastering a program or electronic device.

As the pupils mature into adults they will also find that computing competence will play an important part in helping them acquire employment, in an ever more technologically demanding workplace.

All of our classrooms have access to interactive whiteboards with full broadband access to the internet. These facilities are extremely powerful teaching aids and allow us to run high quality programs for whole class teaching of computing and also to support all other subjects across the curriculum when appropriate. We have very good facilities including individual Chromebooks for every child in Year 1 – Year 6. In addition we provide free access at home to important ICT programs such as Purple Mash, Timestable Rockstars’ ECollins Books and Spelling Shed. These are also accessible for interventions throughout the school day.

Click our Purple Mash Logo below to access our online learning portal…

Image result for purple mash

Thomas Gray are proud to be a partner school for National Online Safety

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