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Sparrow Room

We are the Sparrows, and we are a mixed class of KS2 children in The Nest. There are eight of us in Sparrows who are supported by Miss Briscoe, Miss Causer and Miss Adams who help us with our learning and social, emotional and mental health development.

Our Classroom

The Sparrow classroom has a number of areas where we can access learning independently, on a one to one basis and in small groups. We have a home corner, reading area, snack and kitchen area, an intervention room, a state-of-the-art sensory room, an outdoor area as well as our main classroom. We also have an area where we can access our Zones of Regulation books to help us with our emotions. Our classroom has opportunities for formal teacher led learning and personalised learning, along with opportunities to learn life skills.

Our Curriculum

The Sparrow class has a structured and supported environment where the children feel secure, develop confidence and reach their full potential. We also have opportunities to learn and play alongside our mainstream peers. Our curriculum is based around individual children’s needs and targets identified in EHCPs. We are supported to engage in a wide range of curriculum areas that allow us to make progress and develop at our own rate.

Visual Aids

In Sparrow class, we use visual aids (signs & symbols) on a daily basis to support communication, understanding and learning. We have access to a visual timetable and staff work with us to help us transition from one activity to the next. We use ‘Now and Next’ boards to help us make choices and when we need the day breaking up into smaller segments, and we use choosing boards for many of the activities in the classroom.

Home-school links

Parents/carers are encouraged to be involved with all aspects of their child’s education. Parent-teacher meetings are held throughout the year, and EHCP review meetings are held once a year. Parents/carers are able to communicate with staff face to face or by email.

KS2 (Sparrow Class) –

SENCOs (Miss McGaw, Miss Briscoe and Miss Bell) –

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