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Artsmark Silver Award

You’ve achieved an Artsmark Silver Award!

We are delighted to inform you that your setting has been awarded an Artsmark Silver Award. Congratulations!

Your Statement of Commitment and Statement of Impact have been assessed and we’re pleased to share this feedback from our assessors with you:

‘At Thomas Gray Primary School children can take part in a wide range of arts activities and you have plans in place for children to take part in art, music and dance over the coming terms with arts organisations and artists. You work with a range of arts organisations, including Bootle Children’s Literacy Festival, Altrui Drama Group and Sefton Performing Arts and Creative Education. You have developed your extra curricular arts clubs offer and increased take up. Art, D&T and Music curriculum planning for progression is in place with assessment sheets and is monitored. You have regular in-house opportunities for sharing and developing good practice in educators’ knowledge, skills and understanding of arts and cultural education and have measured the impact of this CPD. Artsmark is clearly outlined in the school improvement plan, and all teaching staff understand the ambitions for arts and culture, and are engaged in developing these across the whole setting. Governors are supportive and have allocated funding for arts projects and provision. You have set up Arts Ambassadors with pupils meeting every half term to discuss ideas. It will be good to hear about the impact of this work on developing the voice of children, and if they are involved in planning and delivering authentic arts and cultural experiences? You have plans to further develop your music curriculum using the new model curriculum with support from Sefton Sky Hub – we look forward to hearing about the impact of this work on pupil and staff outcomes. To develop further could you build on this curriculum work to also look at your drama and dance curriculums, and connect subjects and learning outcomes across all phases and link to the whole school’s pedagogy? Could new or existing partnerships with arts organisations and artists to support this work and perhaps help you further develop staff CPD?’

Congratulations on your Artsmark Silver Award!

Your award is valid for two years and will expire on 18/02/2024

Certified School Award

We are pleased to announce that Thomas Gray are a National Online Safety Certified School. National Online Safety is a multi-award winning digital training provider with extensive resources in online safety, developed in line with the Department of Education’s statutory requirements. The CPD accredited courses and educational resources support UK schools in educating the whole school community in online safety– including all school staff, senior leaders, teachers, and parents – on how to make the internet a safer place for children. To achieve the award all staff had to take part in a range of training based on online safety.


Safe Remote Education Accreditation

In January 2021, the DfE published their ‘Review your remote education provision’ guidance to support schools to identify the strengths and areas for improvement in their remote education provision, and to signpost them to resources that can help them improve their practice. The National Online Safety ‘Safe Remote Education’ accreditation has been directly aligned to the DfE guidance and to the approaches outlined under the ‘safeguarding and wellbeing’ section of the framework. The training that all staff have undertaken has developed understanding on how to maintain effective safeguarding arrangements whilst also providing high-quality remote education and supporting pupil wellbeing.

Silver School Games Award

We are proud to announce that we have received the Silver School Games Award! Well done to all children and staff involved!




Artsmark Validation Report