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Online Safety

We are part of the National Online Safety Award and training – Our Staff, Governors and Parents are all part of our Online Safety platform to make sure our children stay safe.

Feel free to visit National Online Safety If you wish to access training as a parent please contact school and we can add you to our online training platform!


Parent Online Safety Newsletters

The Digital Family Pledge

It is a free online tool to help families (parents included!) set good digital habits.  The Pledge covers four important topics: screen time, online bullying, social media, and gaming – and using a series of quiz like questions prompts families to discuss and agree some rules on how to use tech and act online. The information is tailored for children 5-13 years.

It is available at and is best completed on a mobile or tablet and together, as a family.

Simplified Social Media Terms and Conditions for Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and WhatsApp

Children often don’t know what they’re signing up to when they join Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, WhatsApp or Instagram.  That’s why the Children’s Commissioner have worked with lawyers to create simplified versions of Terms and Conditions for the most popular social media platforms.

Young & eSafe

A wonderful new resource from the office of the Australian e-Safety Commissioner that can be used by schools and parents.

Screen Time boundaries


Advice for parents and carers with children aged 0 to 7.

Top Tips

1. Use digital devices together: Get involved in your child’s online activities. Have fun, play games and learn together online, just as you would in the physical world. It will then be natural for your child to turn to you if they experience anything upsetting online.

2. Set clear expectations: Clear family rules can help your child have a positive start to their digital life and get the most out of being online. Ask your child to help create some family rules.

3. Be informed: Many digital devices, services and content providers offer a range of parental controls. You can choose the type of content and options that are suitable for your child.

4. Establish good habits early on: Both adults and children enjoy sharing moments with family and friends through online images and videos. Starting conversations and good habits early on is a great way to support children in staying safe online.

Information and support


There is a wealth of information available to support schools, colleges and parents to keep children safe online. The following list is not exhaustive but should provide a useful starting point:

  • ThinkUKnow – NCA CEOPs advice on online safety.
  • Disrespect Nobody – Home Office advice on healthy relationships, including sexting and pornography.
  • UK Safer Internet Centre – Contains a specialist helpline for UK schools and colleges.
  • SWGfL – Includes a template for setting out online safety policies.
  • Internet Matters – Help for parents on how to keep their children safe online.
  • Parentzone – Help for parents on how to keep their children safe online.
  • Childnet Cyberbullying – Guidance for schools on cyberbullying.
  • PSHE Association – Guidance and useful teaching resources covering onlinesafety issues including pornography and the sharing of sexual images.
  • Educate against hate – Practical advice for parents, teachers and governors on protecting children from extremism and radicalisation.
  • The use of social media for online radicalisation – A briefing note for schools on how social media is used to encourage travel to Syria and Iraq.
  • UKCCIS – The UK Council for Child Internet Safety’s website provides Sexting advice, Online safety: Questions for Governing Bodies and Education for a connected world framework.
  • NSPCC – NSPCC advice for schools and colleges
  • Net Aware – NSPCC advice for parents
  • Common Sense Media – Independent reviews, age ratings, & other information about all types of media for children and their parents.
  • Searching, Screening and Confiscation – Guidance to schools on searching children in schools and confiscating items such as mobile phones.
  • LGfL – Advice and resources from the London Grid for Learning.
  • A Parents’ Guide to Instagram
  • Advice for Parents and Carers on Cyber-bullying – Cyber-bullying is bullying that takes place using technology. Whether on social media sites, through a mobile phone, or gaming sites, the effects can be devastating for the young person involved. There are ways to help prevent a child from being cyber-bullied and to help them cope and stop the bullying if it does happen. Parents and carers need to be aware that most children have been involved in cyber-bullying in some way, either as a victim, perpetrator, or bystander. By its very nature, cyber-bullying tends to involve a number of online bystanders and can quickly spiral out of control. Children and young people who bully others online do not need to be physically stronger and their methods can often be hidden and subtle.