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Strand Network

The Strand Network is a collaborative of 26 primary schools in South Sefton including a PRU, Special School and three Nursery Schools.

Summary of Activities 

  1. A School Council Project for the whole year: to raise awareness of employability; learn about the importance of work; raise awareness of skills needed for different jobs. An end of year celebration event takes place to celebrate the collaborative work . In 2022 the children worked on improving the environment and the celebration event was at Bootle town Hall.
  2. All Strand schools have been united into smaller SIGs to quality assure aspects of school performance and drive forward key initiatives to raise pupil performance and ensure every child in The Strand fulfils their potential. The four SIGs are working on a different area of focus each. The foci have included – Depth and Mastery; Metacognition; Improving attendance and Children’s wellbeing; Governance; Investigative Science; exploring the next steps in academisation.
  3. The core Strand CPD efforts are aimed at securing ‘Quality first teaching’. Core CPD projects this year have been commissioned following analysis of whole Strand data. The core projects this year are: Accelerating progress and raising attainment in Year 6 Mathematics; Moderation of Writing across all year groups;Developing a love of reading; Developing English Leadership. The CPD is driven forward by two external consultants Maddy Barnes and Sarah Martin.
  4. There has been a particular investment in ‘mastery’ training in Mathematics this school year and the investment will be continued this year 22/23 with bookings already in place with a leading external consultant Sarah Martin.
  5. Geography and History Strand leaders are meeting termly for a day to receive training and share good practice. The training is being facilitated by Dave Barclay an external consultant. Areas being covered include assessment, bespoking the curriculum to each school and embedding key knowledge, developing local History and Geography units.
  6. Several Strand heads serve on LA committees and groups and involve the whole collaborative through dialogue and feedback.
  7. Strand heads welcome the mutual support which is available through the leadership meetings and feel that the scale of the meetings and ‘like-    mindedness’ of the group facilitates genuine empathy. A strong bond has developed between leaders and personal trust is strong.
  8. Strand heads benefit from a monthly ‘Heads-up’ document from the facilitator which summarises all the education ‘stories’ in the popular media each month. There are usually well over 20 and often over 40 articles summarised.