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Terms of Reference – Full Governing Body


The governing body shall consist of:

  • Three parent governors
  • One LA governor
  • One staff governor
  • One headteacher
  • Six co-opted governors

The total number of governors is 12.

The term of office of all categories of governors is 4 years ( with the exception of the headteacher, who is an ex official governor.)


According to the School Governance ( Roles Procedures and Allowances) ( England) Regulations 2013 – Part 4 meeting and proceedings of the governing body.

The quorum for a meeting of the governing body and any vote on any matter at such meeting, is one half (rounded up to a whole number) of the membership of the governing body.

The membership of the governing body does not include vacant positions on the governing body.

Every question to be decided at a meeting of the governing boy is to be determined by a majority of the votes of the governors present and voting on the questions.


The governing body must hold at least three meetings in every school year. Other delegated committees will also hold at least one meeting per term.

Advice given by governors at this school is incidental to their professional expertise and is not being given in their professional capacity.


Conducting the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement.

Ensuring that the school operates within statutory safeguarding regulations.

Approving appropriate targets for pupil achievement.

Monitoring the school improvement plan. Monitoring and approving the school’s budget.

Monitoring the curriculum to ensure it is balanced and broadly based, and in particular that the International Primary Curriculum is taught, and receiving curriculum assessment and examination results.

Responsibility for appointment of the head and assistant head teachers and regulating staff conduct and discipline.

Drawing up an action plan after a statutory inspection in cooperation with the LA.