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Mission, Aims & Ethos

‘Bringing out the Best in Bootle’

Grow – our knowledge, abilities and kindness

Believe – in ourselves and others

Achieve – our potential


Thomas Gray Mission Statement

At Thomas Gray the TG team help our pupils and community to grow, believe and achieve.

We aim for all pupils to leave Thomas Gray with key Maths and English skills by:

  • Promoting high levels of written and oral English across the curriculum
  • Enriching vocabulary at every opportunity
  • Taking pride in our presentation
  • Providing opportunities to apply skills through a knowledge rich curriculum
  • Developing a sound understanding of mathematics, equipping our children with the skills of calculation, reasoning and problem solving that they need in life beyond school.

We ensure that all pupils will leave Thomas Gray as masters of technology who are equipped for a digital world with:

  • Excellent keyboard and mouse skills
  • The ability to publish their work using a range of programmes across the curriculum
  • The knowledge of how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly
  • The ability to design, write and debug programmes

We ensure that all pupils value the community and are valued by the community by:

  • Working as a community team and taking pride in our community
  • Encouraging parent participation in their child’s learning and development
  • Ensuring that all members of the community, including pupils, respect our school, each other, the local environment and community members
  • Working in partnership with local groups to ensure the members of the school community are supported

We ensure that all pupils develop a positive lifelong attitude to learning by:

  • Embracing the Rosenshine principles of Science for learning
  • Ensuring all pupils are helped to develop resilience
  • Encouraging children’s curiosity, independence and problem-solving skills

We ensure that all pupils experience a calm, safe environment where they are ready to learn through:

  • Clear boundaries and rewards
  • A calm environment
  • Mutual respect, encouraging every member of the school community to ensure that their rights and the rights of others are respected

We will ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to gain key skills and knowledge needed to fulfil their potential in life by:

  • Ensuring access to a broad curriculum
  • Making the curriculum accessible and exciting through first hand experiences, trips and visitors
  • Ensuring opportunities to revisit key concepts and knowledge
  • Using Assessment and feedback to identify each pupil’s next step and ensure they make progress