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Headteacher’s welcome

Welcome to Thomas Gray Primary School

Choosing the right school for your child is a very important decision.

You will want to be sure that they are given every opportunity to develop their talents to the full. Equally, you will be keen to know that they are growing up in a happy and fulfilling environment where they are appreciated and encouraged as individuals.

Thomas Gray Primary School is recognised throughout Bootle and Sefton as being a very good school. We have a high regard for the families of our pupils and value the importance of a partnership with parents. We believe strongly that we should work together with parents in order to support children’s education.

Thomas Gray Primary School is a popular school and staff strive to enable students to achieve their full academic potential through a broad and balanced curriculum. At the heart of Thomas Gray Primary there is a caring ethos. We have an excellent reputation for pastoral care and our dedicated team of staff know and care for students individually.

We are committed to providing high quality teaching and learning at Thomas Gray Primary. This commitment encompasses every aspect of your child’s education and includes a wide range of out of school activities providing opportunities for your child to learn and grow.

Mrs Rachael Rimmer

Headteacher at Thomas Gray Primary School