Kingfisher Class
Year 4 Staff:-
- Mr Sutton
- Mr Woods
- Mrs Spicer
- Miss Geddes
Children are expected to read at home every night. This is essential to help develop their love of reading. Books are to come into school every day for children to read in class. During this time, a teacher will check your child’s home reading record and hand out raffle tickets to those that have read at home. Children will receive a raffle ticket each time they read and can win a prize termly.
Children will be expected to go on TT Rockstars at home to become fluent at their times tables. All the way up to 12×12! Prizes and certificates will be given as they improve their Rockstar status!
P.E. this term will be on a Friday. Your child is to come into school wearing their PE kit on this day.
Our Term
There are lots of exciting things to look forward to this half term. Please click below to see our Spring 2 Overview.
Online Homework