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Year 3

Y3 Ibis Class

Year 3 Staff:-

  • Miss Hopwood (Class Teacher)
  • Miss Lloyd (Teaching Assistant)
  • Miss Rhodes (Teaching Assistant)

Autumn Term 2:


Children are expected to read daily at home. Please bring your reading book in with you each day with your signed reading record to move your leaf up the beanstalk for a chance to win a prize


Children will be expected to go on TTRockstars at home to become fluent at their times tables. In Year 3 we are working first on our 2, 5, and 10 times tables before moving on to our 3, 4 and 8 times tables! Prizes, certificates and raffle tickets will be given as they improve their Rockstar status!


Children will be given a spelling list to learn on Mondays and will have a test on Friday.


Children may take their Chromebook home daily for homework purposes. Chromebooks must return to school fully charged the next day.


Our PE lessons will now be on a Tuesday morning – your child is to come into school wearing their PE kit on this day.

Our Term

There are lots of exciting things to look forward to in Year 3 this half term!

  • English: – This term we will be writing biographies and looking at fables.
  • Mathematics Mastery: We will be working on Place value before moving onto Addition and Subtraction.
  • Please view our Topic Map to find out what we will be learning.

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