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Two Year Old Room

Welcome to the Ducklings Room

Ducklings Nursery Staff


Mrs Williams




Mrs Monaghan     

HLTA/ Early Years Practitioner



Mrs Miller

Early Years Practitioner



Mrs Trela

Early Years Practitioner


The Ducklings Nursery offers the highest standard of care and education for children aged 2 and 3. We provide a warm, nurturing environment where your child can develop, thrive and learn the skills and knowledge to support them in their next adventures into Forest Nursery and Reception.

Settling In

When your child is due to start with us, we will arrange to do a home visit. This allows your child to meet key staff members whilst in their own safe space. Please use this opportunity to provide any further information you feel our staff should know about your child. We will then invite you to visit the setting to provide you with an insight into a day in the Ducklings room. Here your child will be able to play with others and explore their environment. This allows you as parents to also explore the setting and to ask any questions you may have.

Once your child starts, we allow them to continue to explore their new environment and build a bond with our members of staff. Here we will then decide who your child’s key person is, based on who they are more confident and comfortable around. The role of a key person is to oversee your child’s development and to contribute to planning appropriate learning opportunities for them. As a key person we ensure that home routines are maintained and can support you with potty training and promoting speech and language development. We also like to share information with parents and carers about the child’s learning and development both in school and at home.

In the Ducklings room, we passionately believe in the unique child and in providing enabling environments for them to learn successfully. Our staff are highly trained and share our ethos and vision to provide outstanding learning experiences. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) document which sets out the statutory requirements that all providers must follow. We plan the curriculum from our bespoke Thomas Gray progression documents which work towards every child achieving the Early Learning Goals by the end of their year in Reception class and acquiring the knowledge and skills the children need to ensure they are ready to move up to Year 1. Children are given opportunities to experience learning in the following areas: Communication and Language, Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts and Design.

Hours to attend

If you would like your child to attend our 2-Year-old Ducklings Nursery, please contact the school for an application form. Once these forms have been completed, we will be in touch.

The Ducklings Nursery offers a choice of the following:

Monday, Tuesday 8.30 am to 3.15pm and Wednesday 8.30-11pm
Wednesday 11.45-2.15pm, Thursday, Friday 8.30- 3.15pm

School Uniform

Whilst school uniform is not compulsory for Ducklings Nursery lots of children choose to wear it.  Uniform includes:

  • Red polo shirt
  • Navy sweatshirt
  • Jumper or cardigan
  • Navy Joggers
  • Sensible shoes – Velcro only (no laces please)

Please ensure that your child brings a spare bag to leave at Nursery including nappies and two full changes of clothes. We will send the bag home to refill if we need to use any items throughout the school day.

*Please ensure your child’s belongings are labelled clearly!

Snack Time

Throughout the week children will enjoy a range of healthy snacks including, brioche, crumpets, toast, yoghurt, biscuits, cereal, milk and fruit. The charge for this is £1 per week.


Online and remote learning – Seesaw App  

Ducklings’ children will have access to online learning via our Seesaw class app. We will upload photographs and short videos and will occasionally set activities to complete with parents and carers. Log in details will be sent out individually.



Stay and play

Once a week you are welcome and encouraged to come in with your child to play, read and choose a book to take home. We encourage all children to read at home with their families, to help develop and encourage their love of books.

Weekly Walks

Each week the children will take part in our ‘weekly walk’ This is a chance for them to visit our local area using our large four-seater buggies. We will visit the local:shops, canals, parks, libraries etc. These walks give us the opportunity to notice what is around us in our local environment and to talk about what we see. This is a great benefit to their development and something that is really enjoyed.

Things to remember

Each day we ask that you bring a bag containing spare clothes (as your child will get messy by having lots of fun), nappies and wipes.

Please drop-off and collect your child from the new Ducklings side gate.

Please do not hesitate to discuss your requirements with a member of staff so that we can meet your individual needs.

Come and have a look at our Nursery and meet the team.

Mrs Williams- Teacher
Mrs Monaghan – HLTA/Early Years Practitioner
Mrs Miller-Early Years Practitioner
Mrs Trela- Early Years Practitioner

Senior Leaders

Mrs Williams – Head of Early Years/Deputy Head
Mrs Rimmer – Headteacher

We look forward to meeting you and your child.
