Thomas Gray provides many clubs and extra curricular activities for our children to attend so they may gain increased skills, enhanced learning, social interaction and team building with their peers, as well as having lots of fun!
Our school is part of the Sefton Children’s University Programme which supports and recognises our children’s participation after school experiences. All children receive credits for attendance at each club they attend. These credits are collected and sent to Children’s University at the end of each term.
To Recongise and honour the children’s commitment to extra curricular learning, Children’s University hold a graduation at the end of Year 2 and Year 6. Our pupils are given the opportunity to attend Edge Hill University in the Summer to graduate and receive awards for the number of credits they have earned. These are certificates at certificate, Diploma and Degree Level.
It is a wonderful opportunity for our children to experience university life and for us to show how proud we are of them and celebrate their success and achievements.
Please encourage your children to attend as many clubs as they can!
Miss McBride
Children’s University Coordinator